Saturday, September 25, 2010

Regular Classes

Hey everyone! Just wanted to write a quick post to say that everything is still going really well.  I appreciate all the b-day wishes from last week <3....

I had my last exam of the intensive session on Friday, and I literally spent all of Thursday night in the library! Yes, definitely pulled an all night-er with Elise and Brad so I hope it was worth it in the end.  It was fun though because we took breaks in between studying and just laughed and laughed about all these crazy things because we were soooo tired.  The actual library closes at 9 but they have a 24 hour study hall.  It worked out because they basically lock you in and have security patrolling the building.  My host mom packed me a sandwich (un bocadillo) with pineapple and grape juice (it was tasty).  They had vending machines just like at home and machines that made coffee and hot chocolate.  You know I just had to have the hot chocolate. So I think the exam went pretty well and after the test on Friday, I knocked out for the rest of the day.  I was so tired and just ready to sleep, and have actually been sleeping most of the weekend besides going out at night.  Friday night I went out with some my favorite girls here for Jamie's birthday and we had a lot of fun.

On Monday, our regular classes start, so it will be just like school back at home.  Instead of having one three hour class, 5 days a week, for two weeks.  I'll have about two classes, 4 days a week(No class Friday!), that last about an hour and a half.  These are the classes that I'm taking and they are all taught in Spanish as well:

International Marketing, International Trade and Finance, Corporate Financial Decision Making, Advanced Business Spanish Writing, and Service Management.

I love Fanta Limón...I don't think we have it at home and we should.
Me, Jane, Denise, and Elise

The Metro
Kind of like our L or Subway...Very clean especially compared to New York, Elise says lol

      At Club Budha

This reminded me of chicken soup, seafood style. This is one of my favorite meals.
It was like a broth with fish, shrimp, and clams and noodles.

Arroz con Pollo (Chicken and Rice)...Yes reminded me of my mom's and grandma's food.
It was very good and tender, but still nothing compares to home :)

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