Thursday, September 16, 2010


For school, the intensive session lasts for two weeks, so my teacher has to cram a lot in a short amount of time...that being said, we have a test tomorrow! Ugh already, and one next Friday too.  So, I've been studying most of the day and had to write a short essay as well. In Spain, they have a department store called El Cortes Inglés which would be equivalent to our Macy's.  For this essay I had to compare El Cortes Inglés to Walmart, describing their differences and similarities: prices, variety, types of customers, etc, which was pretty easy. Just taking a quick break to show you......

I had this for dinner one night...its just una tortilla de queso (omelette with cheese) y patatas fritas (potato chips) guys know how I love eggs and cheese!

I had this for lunch today. Espinacas (Spinach) with this crunchy kind of bread.  I think the peas might have been similar to chick peas, I forgot what my host mom said.

A picture of me with my host dad and sister.  My host mom was out with her sister so I will have a picture of all of us later....I said I would take a picture with them and did not want to keep everyone waiting, so I put this up for now..My sister is the same age as me!

P.S...excuse me for what I'm wearing. Its bedtime in Spain right now! lol


  1. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COURTNEY! HOPE U HAVE A GREAT DAY! And WOW -- great looking family and food!
