Saturday, September 11, 2010

I Love Spain!

Hello all! I meant to blog yesterday but here are some updates.

Wednesday was my first day in Spain and I must say it is a very beautiful country.  At O'hare airport I met a guy named Matt who is in the same program as me.  He is very nice and we basically traveled together.  Our flight was delayed for an hour because of something with the jet bridge...thank goodness it had nothing to do with the plane operating.  It was just because of how windy it was in Chicago that day and something with the landing of the plane.  Anyway, everything was fine after that and the total time in the air was about 7 hours, which is the time difference between Chicago and Spain; Spain being ahead of time.    When we arrived to Madrid I met Elise who is from New York and whom I previously spoke to through facebook like Matt.  Elise and I get along very well, we are both alike, and share the many of the same interests.  I'm glad she's here.  Before our flight to Seville, we met many other students who are on the program who are from Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, etc...
I hate going through security at the airport. It is so annoying! At the airport in Madrid I not only had to take my laptop out my backpack but I had to open the laptop itself...I'm thinking "Didn't you just screen the whole thing through the conveyor"?...i guess rather everyone be safe than sorry right?

Now I know this is not surprising to most of you because you know me well.  But after we got settled into the hotel..the first thing Elise and I did was go to the mall.  The mall was very close to our hotel.  El Corte Ingles is their main department store which is equivalent to our Macy's.  My favorite store is Zara. We found a place that can probably do our hair.  They are more hair salons than I thought...which is a good thing.
It is very HOT here they said in August there have been high temperatures of 113 degrees.  For the first couple of days we stayed at a hotel and it was very nice.  The food there was delicious.  The time people eat in Spain is different than the U.S.  Spaniards eat breakfast around 8 or 9, do not have lunch until 2pm or 3pm, and dinner is not until 8 or 9 pm.  They do not snack during the day as much as we do.  Lunch is there biggest meal.  I have had a lot of tapas while here.  Tapas are small appetizers that we eat with a group of people.  You can share a big plate of various types of tapas or order something only for yourself, like a sandwich with meat (bocadillo).  Eating tapas at a restaurant is not too expensive either.  All you have to do is pay for una bebida (a drink), like pop, water, beer, margarita, etc, and you can eat all the tapas you want.  Croquetas are very good.  They remind me of mozzarella sticks.  The Spanish eat a lot of is very popular.  At night they do go out, but not like we do in America.  They do drink, but after they drink they tend to stand around and socialize for a long time.  

On Thursday night, our group went to go see a Flamenco dance show.  It was pretty fun.  Its the typical Spanish dress that you see pictures of the woman and man dancing and stomping there feet very fast.  Friday was move in day and we got to meet our host families.  My host family is extremely nice!  I have a host mother, father, and sister (19 years old).  They have a very nice house and I have my own room.  I have to watch it because they like to feed me a lot lol.  But this is common.  You have to say "No mas, por favor" (No more, thank you), or "estoy lleno" (I'm full).  If it is something you do not like to eat, it is okay to tell them and they will not be least not my family.  They have a cute dog named the Dalmatians movie...and a turtle (una tortuga)...I will say that at first it is hard to pick up the Spanish because they speak it so fast.  But they are very understanding when I don't say something the right way or need for them to slow down.  It is a lot easier understanding the staff of the program and the school because they are used to speaking to new American students.  The best part of living here is that I live right next door to Elise.  Her family is very nice as well.  So we are able to leave together to go  places and the events of our program, or to hang out with friends.  

We have a bike tour with everyone today. We'll be able to see the city better.  It should be fun!  


  1. Everything sounds so amazing. Being in a different time have you gotten use to it yet? So your host family loves to feed you just be careful it's easier putting on the extra than taking it off, believe me I know speaking from experience.LOL I'm glad Elise host family is next door, makes it a lost easier to do things. You have your own room too, that's nice. Enjoy...

  2. Yes! they think its so weird that I don't eat a lot..They say i'm going to be skinnier when I get home..thats fine with me! lol i hope all this walking balances my weight out
