Monday, September 6, 2010

Still Can't Believe It

Hello everyone! The time has come and I apologize for starting so late with my blog, but believe me, this page will soon be filled with lots of pictures and stories to keep you guys posted while I am in Spain every step of the way.  In a little more than 24 hours I will be on a plane to Seville, Spain, with a very short layover in Madrid.  I cannot believe the time has finally arrived for me to leave the U.S for 3 months.  I still don't think it has hit me that I am leaving.  Its a little bittersweet because I am going to miss all of you! But don't worry I will be back soon to share my experiences with you in person.

So as most of you may know, I am somewhat of a procrastinator.  But I'll have you know that I get some of my best work done under pressure.  That's just how I function best.  Now you won't catch me starting a 5 page paper at 10pm when it is due at 12 midnight, like some of my peers, (wait, that did happen a couple of times....whoops lol), but you get the picture.  I never had to pack so much stuff in only two suitcases and a carry on!  Its not like when I'm at school in Champaign and I can just drive home on the weekend to pick something up if I need it. I'm not used to this! Its definitely a hard thing to do and now I completely understand how my roommate Rachel (shout out to Raychhhh! lol) from California feels.  She has to pack her whole life with her for a semester and if she needs something desperately it has to be shipped or she has to buy it in Illinois.  Gosh! And I'll be on a whole different continent! I have to pack jeans, shirts, pants, shoes(including heels, gym shoes, flats), toiletries, dresses, jackets, coats, laptop, etc...My room is a mess I must say and I just starting packing yesterday(don't judge yours would be too lol).  I absolutely CANNOT pack early like some people can.  I just can't do it.  Never fails.  Its always something that I have to end up getting and buying..but hey that's traveling for ya....It will all work out though.

I have enjoyed getting to know and chatting with other students from the U.S that will be on the program with me.  I can see myself getting along with a lot of them.  I look forward to meeting them and I'm sure I'll see some people at the airport...Any who... I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and safe travel..the support of my friends and family...and especially want to thank my parents for their love and support and for sending me to Spain...

The next time we talk I will be in Spain!  Until then!


  1. Hi Courtney,

    I wish you the best! This is an experience that you will be able to talk about to many of us along with family. I'm so proud of you and I wish you all the best in your educational journey.

    Talk to you later when you touch down in Spain.

  2. lucky duck! i can't wait to see pictures and post about your journey! have an amazing time, Court. we'll miss you so very much here in the (boring) states :)

    Jazzy fraz

  3. You're making me hungry! Don't come back a chunky butt. So how was your 21st? Great pictures Coop! Be Careful!
