Saturday, September 25, 2010

Regular Classes

Hey everyone! Just wanted to write a quick post to say that everything is still going really well.  I appreciate all the b-day wishes from last week <3....

I had my last exam of the intensive session on Friday, and I literally spent all of Thursday night in the library! Yes, definitely pulled an all night-er with Elise and Brad so I hope it was worth it in the end.  It was fun though because we took breaks in between studying and just laughed and laughed about all these crazy things because we were soooo tired.  The actual library closes at 9 but they have a 24 hour study hall.  It worked out because they basically lock you in and have security patrolling the building.  My host mom packed me a sandwich (un bocadillo) with pineapple and grape juice (it was tasty).  They had vending machines just like at home and machines that made coffee and hot chocolate.  You know I just had to have the hot chocolate. So I think the exam went pretty well and after the test on Friday, I knocked out for the rest of the day.  I was so tired and just ready to sleep, and have actually been sleeping most of the weekend besides going out at night.  Friday night I went out with some my favorite girls here for Jamie's birthday and we had a lot of fun.

On Monday, our regular classes start, so it will be just like school back at home.  Instead of having one three hour class, 5 days a week, for two weeks.  I'll have about two classes, 4 days a week(No class Friday!), that last about an hour and a half.  These are the classes that I'm taking and they are all taught in Spanish as well:

International Marketing, International Trade and Finance, Corporate Financial Decision Making, Advanced Business Spanish Writing, and Service Management.

I love Fanta Limón...I don't think we have it at home and we should.
Me, Jane, Denise, and Elise

The Metro
Kind of like our L or Subway...Very clean especially compared to New York, Elise says lol

      At Club Budha

This reminded me of chicken soup, seafood style. This is one of my favorite meals.
It was like a broth with fish, shrimp, and clams and noodles.

Arroz con Pollo (Chicken and Rice)...Yes reminded me of my mom's and grandma's food.
It was very good and tender, but still nothing compares to home :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

21st Bday

Wow! I can't believe I'll be 21 in less than 10 minutes (Spain time).  It doesn't feel as if anything has changed, i don't feel anything! But I'm happy to be here another year and I am fortunate to celebrate it in Spain! I can't wait to celebrate with all my friends and family when I get home either!...We went to the beach in a city called Cadiz on Saturday and it was amazing! Cadiz is a beautiful city.  Today Elise, Kristyn, and I went to a festival where there was authentic food from a variety of countries, kind of like the Taste of Chicago but on a international level.  It was so good! I had a Chimichurri burger from the Dominican Republic and it was delicious! The good thing is that the festival is here until November, so I'll definitely be back! (after a 2 mile run of course lol)

Me and Elise
                                                                              Kristyn, Elise, and I

My Host Parents (Pablo y Salud)
Guys cooking octopus at the festival
Had Pizza for Dinner one night (yummy)


La Playa (Beach) in Cadiz

Thursday, September 16, 2010


For school, the intensive session lasts for two weeks, so my teacher has to cram a lot in a short amount of time...that being said, we have a test tomorrow! Ugh already, and one next Friday too.  So, I've been studying most of the day and had to write a short essay as well. In Spain, they have a department store called El Cortes Inglés which would be equivalent to our Macy's.  For this essay I had to compare El Cortes Inglés to Walmart, describing their differences and similarities: prices, variety, types of customers, etc, which was pretty easy. Just taking a quick break to show you......

I had this for dinner one night...its just una tortilla de queso (omelette with cheese) y patatas fritas (potato chips) guys know how I love eggs and cheese!

I had this for lunch today. Espinacas (Spinach) with this crunchy kind of bread.  I think the peas might have been similar to chick peas, I forgot what my host mom said.

A picture of me with my host dad and sister.  My host mom was out with her sister so I will have a picture of all of us later....I said I would take a picture with them and did not want to keep everyone waiting, so I put this up for now..My sister is the same age as me!

P.S...excuse me for what I'm wearing. Its bedtime in Spain right now! lol

Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of Class

Just a short post, but today was the first day of class for us.  The next two weeks is called the intensive session where we have one class for three hours Monday-Friday.  The class is Business Spanish.  It is not really a grammar class, more so a class that teaches you business terms along with the comparison of business in the United States and Spain.  I like the class because I was able to completely understand the teacher who only speaks in Spanish and who says that we can only speak in Spanish too.  He knows how to slow down the language for us.  But we have homework already! I'm still not in the school mood yet but, fortunately, I am always able to adjust, because some people cannot.  It was very very hot again today and I just wish the temperature would drop already! The 70's are fine with me but not 102! Well I better get to my homework...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Legs Are Killing Me!

Hello Again!

Today our group went on a bicycle tour of the whole city of Seville!  I have to say it was one of the most fun things I have done while here.  I have not been on a bike in forever...and we biked for a little over two hours! I am very sore and tired, but it was worth it because I got to see the entire city on my bike...which was a relief because it is so hot here and the wind while riding made it we went around 7 so towards the end it became a little cooler.  We saw different historical buildings, architecture, a beautiful river, etc...It was great exercise that I most definitely need.  As soon as I got home I was ready to eat because I had lunch around 2 and my host mom made a very good meal...actually the best meal so far at the homestay...i think because it was more american than spanish.  I had salad with big chunks of tuna on top, bread, fried chicken balls, and a peach for dessert.

Here are some pictures from the tour!

I Love Spain!

Hello all! I meant to blog yesterday but here are some updates.

Wednesday was my first day in Spain and I must say it is a very beautiful country.  At O'hare airport I met a guy named Matt who is in the same program as me.  He is very nice and we basically traveled together.  Our flight was delayed for an hour because of something with the jet bridge...thank goodness it had nothing to do with the plane operating.  It was just because of how windy it was in Chicago that day and something with the landing of the plane.  Anyway, everything was fine after that and the total time in the air was about 7 hours, which is the time difference between Chicago and Spain; Spain being ahead of time.    When we arrived to Madrid I met Elise who is from New York and whom I previously spoke to through facebook like Matt.  Elise and I get along very well, we are both alike, and share the many of the same interests.  I'm glad she's here.  Before our flight to Seville, we met many other students who are on the program who are from Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, etc...
I hate going through security at the airport. It is so annoying! At the airport in Madrid I not only had to take my laptop out my backpack but I had to open the laptop itself...I'm thinking "Didn't you just screen the whole thing through the conveyor"?...i guess rather everyone be safe than sorry right?

Now I know this is not surprising to most of you because you know me well.  But after we got settled into the hotel..the first thing Elise and I did was go to the mall.  The mall was very close to our hotel.  El Corte Ingles is their main department store which is equivalent to our Macy's.  My favorite store is Zara. We found a place that can probably do our hair.  They are more hair salons than I thought...which is a good thing.
It is very HOT here they said in August there have been high temperatures of 113 degrees.  For the first couple of days we stayed at a hotel and it was very nice.  The food there was delicious.  The time people eat in Spain is different than the U.S.  Spaniards eat breakfast around 8 or 9, do not have lunch until 2pm or 3pm, and dinner is not until 8 or 9 pm.  They do not snack during the day as much as we do.  Lunch is there biggest meal.  I have had a lot of tapas while here.  Tapas are small appetizers that we eat with a group of people.  You can share a big plate of various types of tapas or order something only for yourself, like a sandwich with meat (bocadillo).  Eating tapas at a restaurant is not too expensive either.  All you have to do is pay for una bebida (a drink), like pop, water, beer, margarita, etc, and you can eat all the tapas you want.  Croquetas are very good.  They remind me of mozzarella sticks.  The Spanish eat a lot of is very popular.  At night they do go out, but not like we do in America.  They do drink, but after they drink they tend to stand around and socialize for a long time.  

On Thursday night, our group went to go see a Flamenco dance show.  It was pretty fun.  Its the typical Spanish dress that you see pictures of the woman and man dancing and stomping there feet very fast.  Friday was move in day and we got to meet our host families.  My host family is extremely nice!  I have a host mother, father, and sister (19 years old).  They have a very nice house and I have my own room.  I have to watch it because they like to feed me a lot lol.  But this is common.  You have to say "No mas, por favor" (No more, thank you), or "estoy lleno" (I'm full).  If it is something you do not like to eat, it is okay to tell them and they will not be least not my family.  They have a cute dog named the Dalmatians movie...and a turtle (una tortuga)...I will say that at first it is hard to pick up the Spanish because they speak it so fast.  But they are very understanding when I don't say something the right way or need for them to slow down.  It is a lot easier understanding the staff of the program and the school because they are used to speaking to new American students.  The best part of living here is that I live right next door to Elise.  Her family is very nice as well.  So we are able to leave together to go  places and the events of our program, or to hang out with friends.  

We have a bike tour with everyone today. We'll be able to see the city better.  It should be fun!  

Monday, September 6, 2010

Still Can't Believe It

Hello everyone! The time has come and I apologize for starting so late with my blog, but believe me, this page will soon be filled with lots of pictures and stories to keep you guys posted while I am in Spain every step of the way.  In a little more than 24 hours I will be on a plane to Seville, Spain, with a very short layover in Madrid.  I cannot believe the time has finally arrived for me to leave the U.S for 3 months.  I still don't think it has hit me that I am leaving.  Its a little bittersweet because I am going to miss all of you! But don't worry I will be back soon to share my experiences with you in person.

So as most of you may know, I am somewhat of a procrastinator.  But I'll have you know that I get some of my best work done under pressure.  That's just how I function best.  Now you won't catch me starting a 5 page paper at 10pm when it is due at 12 midnight, like some of my peers, (wait, that did happen a couple of times....whoops lol), but you get the picture.  I never had to pack so much stuff in only two suitcases and a carry on!  Its not like when I'm at school in Champaign and I can just drive home on the weekend to pick something up if I need it. I'm not used to this! Its definitely a hard thing to do and now I completely understand how my roommate Rachel (shout out to Raychhhh! lol) from California feels.  She has to pack her whole life with her for a semester and if she needs something desperately it has to be shipped or she has to buy it in Illinois.  Gosh! And I'll be on a whole different continent! I have to pack jeans, shirts, pants, shoes(including heels, gym shoes, flats), toiletries, dresses, jackets, coats, laptop, etc...My room is a mess I must say and I just starting packing yesterday(don't judge yours would be too lol).  I absolutely CANNOT pack early like some people can.  I just can't do it.  Never fails.  Its always something that I have to end up getting and buying..but hey that's traveling for ya....It will all work out though.

I have enjoyed getting to know and chatting with other students from the U.S that will be on the program with me.  I can see myself getting along with a lot of them.  I look forward to meeting them and I'm sure I'll see some people at the airport...Any who... I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and safe travel..the support of my friends and family...and especially want to thank my parents for their love and support and for sending me to Spain...

The next time we talk I will be in Spain!  Until then!