Sunday, October 24, 2010


This past weekend we went to Morocco! We took a bus from Sevilla for almost three hours and then we had to take a ferry across the Mediterranean Sea for an hour to get to Morocco.  We visited Tangier, Tetouan, and Chechuan.  All the students in the program went for three days and it was amazing I must say.  Talk about culture shock! The spanish culture is way more similar to american culture than Moroccan culture.  It was my first time in Africa, but Morocco is not you're typical African country.  When most people think of Africa they think of huts, tribal songs, and darker skinned people, which is narrow minded in itself.  Morocco is a very beautiful country with a Muslim culture.  The clothing is very different.  The people wear more clothes than we do in the United States.  Women tend to wear "hijab" that covers most of their face.  Now a days clothing is a lot more modern, younger women do not have to wear a hijab and they wear jeans as well, but you still will not find women exposing a lot of their body at all.

The food in Morocco is amazing.  It definitely has more flavor than the food in Spain, in my opinion.  It is the type of food where you either love it or hate it.  My favorite food is pastilla, which is a sweet pastry that is filled with seasoned chicken. Our guide in Morocco was very nice and quite funny.  He knows for languages: English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.  This is not uncommon for some people in Morocco, especially students my age.  We visited a business school and it is required of them to know three out of the four languages.  The students we spoke with were very nice to us and their English was just about perfect. They absolutely love American movies and television shows.  A lot of movies have been filmed there which I never knew.

There are a lot of things you can buy in Morocco and they have some of the best quality of leather products.  They are known for their tea with mint leaves which is very sweet but tasty.

I got to ride a camel! I was so excited, but it was kind of scary at first because of the way they get up from the ground. All in all Morocco has been the best place I have gone in Europe so far.  I couldn't live there or study there, but  I will definitely be back!

P.S : Be sure to check out my photos on facebook too because there are so many I couldn't put them all in one blog post.

Mediterranean Sea

Me at the hotel, notice Matt and Brad behind me lol

Courtyard of the art school

Boys working at the art school

This is the kind of stuff they learn make

Women making clothing

Cous Cous

Coca Cola Factory

Inside the cave of Hercules

They paint their houses blue so it can be cooler in the summer when its hot

Women washing clothes


  1. I am loving this! Honey live your life to the fullest. I am not mad at are definitely living a dream! I am so happy you went to an art school. Looks like they are working on some Muslim art. I can't wait until you get back. I am ready to party! I need to find a tight black dress. Stay safe Coop, bring me some Cous Cous!

  2. lol thanks jam! i definitely thought about you at the art school. i'm loving it here but ready to come home too! can't wait to party 4 ur bday. we should go to a moroccan restaurant downtown sometime after i come back.
