Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy October

Time is going by so fast.  I really need to take advantage of everything Spain has to offer because I know it will be time to go back home sooner than I think.  I'm starting to pick up the language more and more each day.  I understand almost everything my professors talk about because its at a good pace.  It is still a little harder with my host parents and some spanish students because it is so fast.  Even though I'm able to understand what they are saying it is harder to speak it because I am constantly thinking of what is about to come out of my mouth; I don't want to be incorrect.  I need to practice with my intercambio (spanish student that wants to learn English) more.  When I'm with my American friends we need to speak more Spanish.  We tend to talk in English more because its faster for us.  By the end of this month, I definitely want to be able to say my speaking skills have vastly improved.

This past school week I went to a museum (el museo de bella artes) and a cooking class.  The museum was very nice and you have to excuse some of my pictures because we had to turn off the flash on our cameras.  I really liked the cooking class because we made paella.  It was soooooo good.  I especially enjoyed it because it was not cooked with the head still on the shrimp.


Sopa de Tomate

Cooking Class (you can see my tan is still intact lol)

1 comment:

  1. I am just in marvel over this food. Is looks so good. You're pictures are quite amazing and vivid! The scenery is just beautiful. Continue to enjoy yourself and stay safe.
